Horse riding can be fun if you find the right horse who will be perfect for you. If you find one that is inexperienced just like you are it can only cause bruises and blisters for you! You might hate riding them after you injure yourself so find one that suits you. Here are some tips on horse riding for you to consider:

Get off the horse if you have to

Do not be proud to get off the horse. Some accidents just happen, the horse can throw you off balance or it can run off into the fields and you might not have expected him to. Nobody can tell if something like that will actually happen. If you are interested on horse riding holidays in Africa or some exotic destination you must master getting off one first.

Follow your instincts

You must always follow your instincts, you can try and take some time off so that you can get used to the saddle. Before you decide to mount it again! You will be confident even if you feel like your horse isn’t in the best mood to ride. If you fall take you time to get back up on as the horse will be scared if you are terrified too. If you feel like you are not scared by all means get back on! Sometimes a horse might buck while you are on the saddle if he is not happy going ahead on the journey. If the horse is acting unusual figure out why he is behaving that way in the first place.

Act like the leader

You are the leader and not someone to simply yell out orders to the poor animal. The weather might be hot outside and the saddle might be wet so don’t expect your horse to run and practice spinning around. If the horse is uncomfortable you must never use a whip to get him to do what you want. They can learn fast but they need some stimulation to help with the repetition of tasks. If you keep your horse’s emotions in mind the horse will perform a lot better in time to come. You will also be able to take your horse on many horse riding holidays too!

Keep the heels to the ground

You must keep your heels to the ground to ensure that your posture is spot on. The instructors teach students to maintain posture so that their feet will not slide off the saddle. It will give you a firm footing too! Most of the horse riding and other fun activities are best when out of town, you can see this page for accommodations for your next trip. 

Next time you decide to ride a horse follow these directions to ensure the best riding experience!