We’ve all been there. You are just about to book a holiday for the family but you just can’t click the button when it comes to accommodation without fully knowing what to expect.

At this point, there’s only one place to go – the internet!

Scrolling through the lists of reviews for cheap accommodation you are about to book is as much unhelpful as it is supportive to your cause. Villas that you thought looked scruffy and unkempt can become the Hilton with a good review or two, whilst apartments that you had your eye on are instantly downgraded with a bad review and never able to be looked at again with the same enthusiasm.

Docklands accommodation hunting can be incredibly hard, then, when you go off what over people have to say, which begs the question, “How much should we take from reviews?”

There are a lot of positives be made for using review websites before booking any accommodation, the main one being that the person has stayed there before and knows what it offers. This should mean that you get a good ‘look’ at what is being offered before you pay for it. Let’s face it, in no other transaction would you take a leap of good faith and buy the product before inspecting it first. With accommodation, that is not the case so a bit of inside information is always welcome. This also alerts you to any nasty surprises and stops you from getting caught out by the rogue accommodation vendors who sell below quality goods.

Happy days you may think, but not quite.

When it comes to reviews on anything, from restaurants to accommodation, it depends on what the person writing them is expecting against what you are expecting, or maybe more truthfully, what you are willing to put up with. A traveller leaving a review on certain types of accommodation would probably not care too much about the type of service or sanitation of the establishment, as long as the rent is cheap. You, however, are almost certainly looking for something a little more suitable and family friendly. Click here for more information about this article.

The argument against this is that families and travellers would almost certainly not be staying in the same types of accommodation, but reading reviews written from the perspective of someone who is more inclined to your way of thinking can be just as troublesome. Some people can be pedantic, finicky and very particular when it comes to getting what they want, something which may not trouble you as much but may still put you off all the same.

The truth of the matter is reviews can be very helpful but also very hindering, and if you are going to use one to help you choose accommodation, make sure you at least use a reputable one. But more importantly, make sure you always keep an open mind when you are reading them!